End of Summer (it’ll be okay!) Lebanese Recipes

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What? Labor Day weekend is here? I¹m not going to cry about it (too much): Thankfully the bounty that is September across much of the northern Hemisphere eases our pain that summer came and went already, giving us the greatest comfort food you can make or eat. Here are some of my favorite Lebanese recipes (and a few others) to get us rolling for the weekend and weeks ahead. Click the photos below to find the recipes, photos and stories we love so much! And have a delicious holiday weekend with the people you love.

Motherlode Vegetables, Maureen Abood

Eggplant cheese 3SM
Muhammara 2 POST
Kale chips with zaatar 2, Maureen Abood

The recipes: Sheik al Mehsheh (eggplant with tomato and beef), Muhammara (Roasted red bell pepper dip), Za’atar kale chips

Cucumber Tomato Salad, Maureen Abood
Lebanese Potato Salad, Maureen Abood
Tabbouleh Salad, Maureen Abood
Laban khiyar, Maureen Abood

The recipes: Cucumber Tomato Salad, Lebanese Potato Salad, Tabbouleh Salad, Laban Khiyar (Yogurt salad with cucumber and mint)

Little coosa, Maureen Abood

Coosa and eggs, Maureen Abood
Basil Zucchini Soup, Maureen Abood
Roasted tomatoes, Maureen Abood
Coosa plate with labneh, Maureen Abood
Lamb skewers, Maureen Abood
Whitefish platter, Maureen Abood

The recipes: Koosa and Eggs, Basil Zucchini Soup, Roasted Tomatoes, Stuffed Koosa, Lamb Skewers, Michigan’s Whitefish Dinner

Pickled Turnips, Maureen Abood
Mixed Pickles, Maureen Abood
Blueberry cobbler, Maureen Abood
Plum tart, Maureen Abood

The recipes: Lift Pickled Turnips, Mixed Pickles, Blueberry Cobbler, Plum Tart



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  1. Linda Homenick says:

    For Kathleen who is wanting ‘koosa’ seeds. We get ours in Canada from a company in Ontario……but, they also supply to the US. They are called Stokes Seeds…….website is stokeseeds.com

    Go to ‘squash’…….then ‘summer’. What you are looking for is either “Ishtar”…..#298T, or “Clarita”……#300C.

    Have used both and the grow excellent ‘koosa’ type squash. Good luck.

  2. Lisa N. says:

    Just found you through Cookie and Kate (well, thru Kate) who posted your tabbouleh recipe today. I think I’ll be grateful to Kate forever for linking to you! What a great site and recipe collection you have. Thank you for your hard work! Have your book bought up on Amazon as we speak to purchase in the next minute or two. Congrats on that publication and the well-deserved positive reviews.

    1. Maureen Abood says:

      Thanks so much Lisa! What a delightful note!

  3. Vivian Shashy Younis says:

    Sheik al Mehshee is my favorite Lebanese dish. Sounds just like Sittie Mary made it. Going to give it a try week.
    Thank you soooo much for all your posts. Happy holiday.

  4. kathleen says:

    can you recommend a seed supply house that carries koosa? i would love to grow my own next spring.
    thank you for any information you can provide.

  5. Linda Homenick says:

    Hi Maureen, all of your recipes look wonderful as usual. I contacted you earlier in the summer about freezing ‘muhammara’…….just to let you know it worked beautifully. I used panko crumbs, and the only thing was that they lost their crispiness when the muhammara was frozen….the taste however was just great.

    1. Maureen Abood says:

      That’s great Linda–thanks so much for letting us know!

  6. Diane Nassir (my maternal grandmother was an Abowd) says:

    Yes, –all my summer favorites–Beautiful!

  7. Roger Toomey says:

    Our family favorite traditional is cucumber salad with tomato, onion, garlic, ground celery seed, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, pepper and olive oil. It only is good with garden ripened vegetables so we had it several times each week during the season and then waited a year to get it again.

  8. Elaine N. Naddaff says:

    great selection of recipes… The presentation of food in your photos is lovely, colorful and appetizing.
    Best of luck selling your book.