Two Sisters August Menu

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I lived in Chicago with my sissie for a lot of years. And during those years, we cooked a lot of meals for a lot of friends. Don’t get me wrong–there was plenty of eating out. Nothing like single girls with discretionary income to make seeking out and experiencing Chicago’s restaurants a fine obsession. Those were fabulous meals, meals to remember. Yet when it came right down to it we both enjoyed precious down-time hanging around at home, in a great condo, cooking sup. Peg would mix something good to drink (drinks being one of her specialties) and one of us would hoist herself up on the counter while the other chopped or cooked or hoisted her own self up on the counter if the food got too distracting for the talk.

Menu was a running topic of discussion, something that came straight from growing up in our household on Wagon Wheel Lane. Menu was also a running topic for the pen: Peg had us memorializing our meals in a leather-bound book of two-sisters-suppers. We’d keep track of what we cooked, what worked, what didn’t, who came. And we also noted the affinities and dislikes of our guests so we could remember next time that Nadina is never, not ever, going to eat a Greek cookie that her mother didn’t make, so don’t try to pass one off on her from Treasure Island (even though it’s baked by a little Greek lady. No Go).

It’s a special week in Lincoln Park on Seminary Avenue. I’ll tell you more about that in just a bit. Meantime, here’s what’s cooking:

Dinner at the Aboods

St. Germaine champagne cocktails by mixologist Mary M. Abood, Esq. (beer for Jeanne)

Cheese platter (always includes delice de bourgogne), hummus, olives, pistachios

Tomato salad with lemon and mint

Grilled strip steaks and cippolini onions with maitre d’hotel butter

Mom’s special rice with market mixed mushrooms, scallions, and toasted pine nuts

Green beans with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper

Berry cobbler, vanilla ice cream

Little plate of chocolates
(fruit dessert always requires a little plate of chocolates passed in addition.
Because fruit is very good, but it isn’t chocolate)

Are you free to come over for dinner?

We’d love to have you.

Don’t bring a thing.

See you soon.

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  1. Jane Mc. says:

    That journal is such a marvelous idea — what a wonderful way to reminisce over delicious meals with great friends! Too bad it can’t be a scratch ‘n’ sniff book! 🙂

  2. Jim says:

    Well when Mark Marshall and I lived together our specialty was toasted peanut butter and Jelly! I think you win! Also, it was funny to see St. Germaine on the menu. Peggy got me hooked on that as a summer drink topper at your brothers house! Love you both………. Jim

  3. Erin Jenkins says:

    I would love to come, thank you!

  4. Michelle Deiter says:

    Maureen…I love your blog ! I tried the Maitre de butter and loved it. I put it on my morning toast, as well as corn and steak. I am home now for the rest of the summer, but will be back in the fall. A better time to concentrate on the matter at hand. Will contact you then. Thanks

  5. Nadina says:

    I will miss cooking together and all those superb meals on Seminary.

  6. Jeanne Barr says:

    are you writing a book? you must because you have a way with everything:
    words, food, friends, family, fun! very often, you make my day! xox/jeanne

  7. Michele says:

    Oh how I wish I were back in Chicago enjoying an evening with the Abood sisters! This post brought me right back to your kitchen! Miss you!
    X o Michele

  8. Margy says:

    I’m free! Sister supper! I’ve had a few of those and they are great! Had a cousin supper with Celine, Rachel and Cathy in Grand Rapids recently. Fun times. We need to do more of those…

  9. Bill B. says:

    OMG!!! My mouth is watering.

  10. Celine Terranova says:

    My two favorite chefs!! What a perfect picture with your table all set and ready to entertain, as you both do so beautifully and with such ease. Oooh, I’m remembering how delicious Peggy’s St. Germaine champagne cocktails were….

  11. Jenny B says:

    What is it about cookies our mom’s made not being able to be duplicated? (or anything really that a mom mad that was special I guess) – we’ve tried to make the sand tarts my mom made – but none ever measure up to hers. I guess there’s an ingredient missing … Mom Love.

  12. Sarah Stump says:

    I can’t be the only reader whose mouth is watering….please don’t tease us if you aren’t really going to schedule reservations for a “Sister-Supper”…I’m not doing anything special over the Labor Day weekend 🙂
    What’s the recipe for Aunt Mary’s special rice dish?

    1. Maureen Abood says:

      Special rice recipe will come your way someday soon, promise!

  13. Patti Markho says:

    Count me in!!!!! Sounds wonderful 🙂