Mujadara with a Fried Egg Recipe

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Mujadara with Fried Egg Recipe, Maureen Abood

Last year around this time, we were Lebanese recipe-testing for my book like crazy. There was a great group of testers who took time to cook up whatever interested them on my list, and then to provide detailed feedback in an effort to make everything about the recipe as good as it could possibly be.

I loved that process, waiting for every response with great anticipation. Some recipes took many, many rounds of trial and error and trial and, in the end, success (of course!). Kind, skilled cooks took time to share insights, likes and dislikes too.

Along the way, other tidbits fell into my path that I filed away in the back of my head for another, less hectic time.

This is far (far) from being a less hectic time, with my book coming out in a little over a month (publication date has changed: it’s April 28th), and another major endeavor in the hopper that I can’t wait to share with you in a few short weeks (this one is for and about you and your kitchens!).

Lentils and rice dry POST

Farm fresh local eggs POST

Sumac in blue thimble POST

Still, there’s one idea that’s been on my mind, and it pops up every time I make and eat my beloved bowls of deep, dark, caramelized mujadara. That idea, thank you cousin Cheryl!, is this: put an egg on it. An egg! Of course! We foodies know that everywhere we turn, they’re putting an egg on anything and everything. It’s hip, it’s cool, it’s healthy, it’s most of all…so delicious.

The first time I had an egg in an unexpected place was on a stunner of a pizza at Mia Francesca on Clark Street in Chicago. I couldn’t hold back my wide eyes as the waiter took a spoon and broke the yolk open to let its sunshine spread all over the top of the pizza. Here, the egg does a similar sunshine job, and offers a protein boost I love, even though it’s not really needed with the perfect protein combo that is lentils and rice or wheat.

This is a whole new mujadara meal (NOT leftovers, no!), perhaps on day two or three or, forgive me, four; a got-home-late-no-time-to-cook relief; a serious breakfast of champions when you add a scoop of labneh to the mix.

Reveling in good ideas like this one, I find myself missing the days of cookbook recipe testing. Hmmm. Might have to think about another good book to write, and soon.

Mujadara with a Fried Egg Recipe
Serves: 1
You can poach, soft boil, or even scramble your egg for this dish. I love it fried in olive oil, with the oil from the pan nicely coating the mujadara along with the egg.
  • 1 cup warm [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Mmmm Mmmm Mujadara”]mujadara[/url]
  • Handful of arugula
  • Spoonful of labneh
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 egg
  • Pinch of sumac or za’atar
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. In a serving dish or bowl, top the mujadara with the arugula and labneh.
  2. In a small non-stick skillet, heat the olive oil over medium high heat until it’s hot, but not smoking. Crack the egg into the oil and cook, taking care with the splattering hot oil. Cover the skillet, checking occasionally until the yolk is covered with a light white film and the edges of the egg are golden and crispy.
  3. Tip the egg and any remaining oil from the pan over the mujadara, arugula, and labneh. Top everything with a pinch of sumac or za’atar, and season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately.


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  1. Stephanie says:

    You may never actually see this but hey – notifications?

    I just finished up mujadara and eggs. I cannot say it had anything to do with your post though. I love mujadara, and I love eggs, so I made it. I did use some labneh, but I actually dove in with some garlic sauce too (I like garlic and eggs). Anyway I googled after I ate to see if anyone else was eating this too, and to get some ideas for the next time I make it. Came across your blog and all these comments – yay! My people! hahaha

    I will however check out the rest of your blog now. Have a happy day! =)

    1. Maureen Abood says:

      Wonderful Stephanie, welcome!

  2. David Miller says:

    Hi Maureen
    This looks crazy good and that is delicious looks like very nice one Egg meal,your tips really helpful..

  3. Allan says:

    I tried your recipe and it was sooo good! The Mujadara makes it taste great!
    Thank very much for sharing this!

  4. Ian says:

    This looks like a fantastic twist on Mujadara. I’ll definitely be trying this for brunch soon!

  5. Connie says:

    This is a wonderful concoction of Oriental and Mediterranean flavours. And the egg just seals the deal. Thank you so much for this blissful mujadara weekend!

  6. Mike says:

    I feel the simplicity of a fried egg brings an elegance to any savory grain dish. This mujadara is one of the most delicious of its kind. With the glory of running yolk of course! Thank you.

  7. Suzy @ The Mediterranean Dish says:

    Maureen, what a wonderful idea! I love Mujadara, but the egg adds a little something special. I envy those who were part of testing your recipes for the book! But I am eager to see the book soon!

  8. Leo Sigh says:

    This looks incredible. I live in Thailand where food ‘with a fried egg’ is just about everywhere, and it’s now become my favorite way of eating. Will definitely have to try this.

  9. Jordan says:

    This seems like a beautiful combo of Lebanese food and your own twists. I will definitely have to try this – it has Sunday brunch written all over it. Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. Cheryl Nakfoor says:

    Hi Maureen!
    I smiled when I saw the picture. So glad you enjoy the variation. My dad, Patrick really should get the credit. He’s been making it for us for years. Let Uncle Dick know it’s perfect topped with a dollop of Laban. I loved testing your recipes and think another book is a fabulous idea! Love your blog and can’t wait to hear your exciting news!!!

    1. Maureen Abood says:

      Thank you Cheryl!!!

  11. Richard Abood says:

    Very interesting addition to Mujadara and I may try it if I can avoid my usual addition of Laban and cucumbers. Actually, there’s a restaurant in Long Boat Key called Harry’s and they serve poached eggs on top of their Roast Beef Hash. One of my favorites. Looking forward to your Book sweatheart. All my love, Uncle Dick

  12. Carlos Sandino says:

    Wow, Maureen! It looks absolutely delicious! My tastebuds just went mad. What a great idea. Looking forward to your book coming out. Thank you for always keeping up with your excellent work and stunning pictures. Take care!

  13. Peggy Fox says:

    HI Maureen,
    I tried your zucchini and bulgur recipe from last week….it was fabulous! I am always looking for new bulgur recipes and this one was simple yet so delicious. The hint of cinnamon was the clincher. I used #2 grain and it was just fine. Thank you for sharing it!

  14. Frances Aboud says:

    I am so excited, I can’t wait to try this recipe. I can almost taste it now just looking at the picture. I am also waiting anxiously for your new cookbook and by all means do start on your second book immediately. I have another favorite recipe with an added poached (or over easy) egg served over a combination of seasoned sautéed onions, mushrooms, and both yellow and green squash. It may be served at any meal but I really prefer it for breakfast. But I have a feeling that your recipe is going to give it a run for its money. Thank you for your continued blogs. I read and share every one of them with other friends and then wait for your next one. You are a joy to me.

    1. Maureen Abood says:

      How special Frances, thank you so much! You are a joy to me!

  15. The Water Is Smiling says:

    Hi Maureen,
    I was just writing yesterday about my experience testing your recipes 🙂 I can’t wait for your book to come out so I can share it with the world and they can have the pleasure of making some of your wonderful food! xo Cynthia