This showstopper of a grilled vegetable platter belongs on every table! Use whole and large pieces of vegetables to make prep simple and quick. The vinaigrette finishes the grilled vegetable platter with another layer of mouthwatering flavor.
20fresh mint leaves plus more, chopped, for finishing
Heat the grill to medium high. Coat the grates lightly with a neutral oil such as canola or safflower.
Place the vegetables on a large tray or sheetpan. Keep each vegetable type together. Brush the vegetables generously with extra virgin olive oil. Sprinkle with salt (optional).
Transfer the vegetables to the heated grill and cook until tender. Keep the grill lid closed, opening to check and turn the vegetables as you go. The vegetables each cook for varied lengths of time; the asparagus and tomatoes will likely be finished before the other items, so pull them off when they are soft and slightly charred, about 10 minutes.
In a blender or a small prep food processor, blend the garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and mint leaves until a thick dressing forms. Taste and adjust as needed.
Arrange the grilled vegetables on a large platter, keeping the types together.
Drizzle the dressing over the vegetables and finish with chopped mint. Serve immediately, or allow the vegetables to marinate in the dressing for up to 8 hours before serving.
How To Store Grilled Vegetables
Store the grilled vegetables in the refrigerator in an air-tight container for approximately three to five days.